What Are Microhabits?
In short:
Microhabits are goals in their distilled form.
Yes. Like with homeopathic medicine.
You take the Original goal.
most of the Time this is a HUGE Goal
“Win the Mr. Olympia”
What do you need to do to achieve that?
Work out. A LOT.
But here we start with the distilling.
We take our snake poison (working out a lot) yes it is poison because you are a couch potato. You have never even stepped into the gym let alone worked out hard. This is too hard for you; you won’t stick to it
We distill it.
Go to the gym.
No. Waaaay to big thats basically just Poison. Again.
Do a Home workout.
Still to big brew can still kill you. Try Again.
Do 1 set of exercises.
Still to big. AGAIN.
I want you to cringe at how low this goal is. You should be embarrassed to tell someone about it.
1 pushup.
Yes. But even here you can go lower. Make it Knee pushups.
This is so ridiculously easy that even imagining your worst day ever you could still do it.
(Obviously use common sense don’t do pushups with a chest injury do squats instead)
Now we have our habit.
Now we ask the question.
Dynamic or
Static habits are habits that make no sense to scale up beyond a certain point, like drinking a glass of water in the morning. You’ll be hydrated with 1 glass there is no need to drink 5.
You’ll just do this habit every day for the rest of your life no need to waste further thought. Do it for a month using a [[calendar tracker]] or similar methods then when you are sure its a solid habit you move on to the next habit. ([[one habit at a time]])
Say you have a huge problem with drinking water.
You hate being hydrated so you say 1 glass of water is to difficult.
What you arrived on at step 1 is 1 sip of water. Here we use dynamic habits.
Dynamic habits are habits that slowly increase in difficulty.
So with water drinking you’d start with taking one small sip and then slowly work yourself to the full glass if that isnt already your starting point.
Here its important not to jump to fast. Do 1 week of 1 sip then do 2 sips the next week then 3. Don’t say Ive been doing this for 3 weeks i am ready for the full glass do 4 sips next. If you feel like its ridiculously easy you are doing it right.
Now not every habit is suitable for this dynamic method here we use the flexible method.
Some days you actually feel thirsty in the morning so it would be easy for you to drink a whole glass. This is where we introduce different levels.
Show up. Will be out lowest difficulty. This is still the “so easy its embarrassing to tell”
1 sip of water
Easy. This should be achiveable on a hard day. It wont be hard to do even if you dont feel like it youll make excuses but its easy so might aswell.
a quarter glass of water
Medium. This should be your average day. You don’t feel shitty.
2 thirds of a glass
Hard. This will be difficult.
1 glass of water.